Issues & Needs
NBCUniversal offers viewers a Replay TV service on the SFR – Numericable platform for which PIXAXILITY provides transcoding and editing services for Syfy, 13emeRue and E! Entertainment since 2013.
NBCU France has also launched the E! Entertainment to reach its audience on OTT environments on IOS and ANDROID. PIXAGILITY designed, implemented and operates this service.
PIXAGILITY has developed and implemented a turnkey service :
- Implementation of a flexible and scalable streaming solution
- CDN, DRM for IOS and Android environments
- Transcoding workflow based on industrialized processes
- Guarantee of a coherent implementation of the technological solution respecting the technical constraints of NBCUniversal
- Guaranteed project delivery schedule based on the client’s key milestones
- Take into account the existing organizational and technical.
- Ensure that the project schedule is respected in relation to the client’s key deadlines.